Saturday 27 October 2012

iTeach Physics Pro v5 0 iOS 4 3+

Release Name: iTeach Physics Pro v5 0 iOS 4 3+
Release Name: 44.36 MB

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Title: iTeach Physics Pro v5.0
: File Type: IPA Date: 10/25/2012 :
: Platform: iOS 4.3+ Cracker: B-WEL :
: Protection: iTunes Size: 46,509,350 bytes :
An extension of the iTeach Physics app is the iteach Physics Pro.
The pro series is an app which consists of more number of added chapters and a
practice section for you to take test.
Key Features
+ Get all the formulas and key tips of physics in one place.
+ Covers all the units and categories of physics.
+ Comes with practice questions to solve from many categories to choose.
+ Get to the answers and solutions to any question immediately.
+ Helps you to understand the concepts in-depth.
+ Once downloaded forget the need of Internet.
The future updates will come in with more practice questions from a varied
number of topics.
This app is a must-have app for all the students irrespective of any age or any
class level.
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-many thanks to Dissident, Rastignac and Hackulo Team for making this possible-
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