Saturday 27 October 2012

iTeach Maths Pro v5 0 iOS 4 3+

Release Name: iTeach Maths Pro v5 0 iOS 4 3+
Release Name: 62.38 MB

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Title: iTeach Maths Pro v5.0
: File Type: IPA Date: 10/25/2012 :
: Platform: iOS 4.3+ Cracker: B-WEL :
: Protection: iTunes Size: 65,402,169 bytes :
iTeach Maths Pro is a perfect app for people who want to study and practice at
the same time.
Introducing an app, which allows you solve practice questions in mathematics
from many categories to choose from.
Key Features
+ Get all the formulas and key tips of mathematics in one place.
+ Covers all the units and categories of mathematics.
+ Comes with practice questions to solve from many categories to choose.
+ Get to the answers and solutions to any question immediately.
+ Helps you to understand the concepts in-depth.
+ Once downloaded forget the need of Internet.
+ Comes with a new and a cool feature called scribbling pad, which allows you
to work and solve complex problems on the device. So forget the need of paper
and pen.
The future updates will come in with more practice questions from a varied
number of topics.
This app is a must-have app for all the students irrespective of any age or any
class level.
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-many thanks to Dissident, Rastignac and Hackulo Team for making this possible-
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