Saturday 27 October 2012

iTeach Physics v5 3 iOS 4 3+

Release Name: iTeach Physics v5 3 iOS 4 3+
Release Name: 10.63 MB

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Title: iTeach Physics v5.3
: File Type: IPA Date: 10/25/2012 :
: Platform: iOS 4.3+ Cracker: B-WEL :
: Protection: iTunes Size: 11,136,775 bytes :
Physics is that part of science that deals with the study of matter, its motion,
energy and force. iTeach physics is designed especially for students of all age
groups. iTeach physics is not only useful for students, but also is very handy
for professors, lecturers who can refer any important topic amidst teaching or
for any other reference. Is a very handy application for High school physics
exam or physics quiz competition which is usually held in many school and
intermediate levels. iTeach physics covers most of the formulas along with its
Some Key features of iTeach are:
+ iTeach physics covers almost all the units with a brief description of each
formula, relevant examples.
+ iTeach physics can be used as a study guide for physics Q&A.
+ Useful for everyday classes.
+ Option of pinch and zoom out for better visibility of content.
+ Provides you with the option of copy & paste any part of the content with
+ The only complete educative app having both landscape and portrait view for
better understanding.
iTeach physics contains 16 units keeping in mind of students of from all age
groups. Once downloaded, forget the need of internet to search for any formula
or any information related to physics.
Units, Measurements & Dimensions
+ Motion
+ Vectors
+ Energy
+ Friction
+ Simple Harmonic Motion (S.H.M)
+ Heat
+ Electricity
+ Electrostatics
+ Magnetism
+ Elasticity
+ Optics
+ Gravitation
+ Fluid Mechanics
+ Wave
+ Nuclear Physics
+ Simple Machines
+ Electric Current
This application is designed by team Patron, and verified and checked by
professionals who hold a Master’s degree from University of Leicester, UK & San
Jose State University, California
It is true and a well know fact that there are good books, materials available
in the market, Sources from internet…etc, where information related to physics
is easily available, but Patron provides a more mobile, flexible, easy and
dynamic platform which helps anyone to revise as and when required. It is always
a better option to have all the resources available under one book rather than
searching for each chapter or definition from various resources and wasting your
valuable time…!!!
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-many thanks to Dissident, Rastignac and Hackulo Team for making this possible-
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