Monday, 27 May 2013

EVA - Virtual Assistant v2.96 APK

EVA - Virtual Assistant v2.96
Requirements: 2.2+
Overview: EVA is a must have app if you want to use voice to increase your productivity. It's like Siri but with so many truly useful functions you will wonder why it doesn't come standard with Android.

It includes a dedicated Car Mode that is extremely useful if you want to use your phone while driving. It is the one application that makes your smart phone so much smarter. It includes a powerful Profiles feature that allows you to change loads of settings on your phone in one instant simply by changing the Profile. There are over 20 videos on my YouTube channel (link below) that walk you though every aspect of the application. Take advantage of the free 28 day trial as you cannot possibly try it in a few hours let alone a week. Read the reviews to see what other people are saying and if you like it please tell your family, friends and co-workers. Thanks, Peter.
The free 28 day trial version is available from the links on this page. It has the same functions. Uninstall the free version prior to installing this one. Your settings will be retained. EVA is the same as AVX with just a different look.
NOTE: If you have any problems please email me (link below, I don't bite). You are wasting your time leaving it as an app review because Google has not provided a way for me to contact you.
Who should use EVA? If you are looking for an application that provides hands-free operation of your phone then EVA is right for you. If you are just looking for an electronic friend to chat with then please go with one of the Siri clones. On the other hand if you want a real virtual assistant that has extremely useful functions that will make your life easier then please give EVA a try.

For the full online manual please go to:
If you have tried Vlingo, Speaktoit, Jeannie, Skyvi or Iris and you want something that does most everything they can do plus a lot more then give EVA a try.
If you prefer a male assistant please choose EVAN instead.
If you don't already have a third party text to speech voice that replaces the default Pico voice on your phone I recommend SVOX Classic.Download the Free SVOX Classic to demo the voices.
EVA is English only. Please don't me 1 star ratings for not having your language. I am one person working on this. Other languages are not possible at this time!

What's in this version : (Updated : May 26, 2013)
Resolved issue of long voice messages failing as well as made several other minor tweaks

This app has NO advertisements

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