Saturday 27 October 2012

WorldCard Mobile v5 1 1 iOS 4 3+

Release Name: WorldCard Mobile v5 1 1 iOS 4 3+
Release Name: 15.13 MB

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Title: WorldCard Mobile v5.1.1
: File Type: IPA Date: 10/25/2012 :
: Platform: iOS 4.3+ Cracker: B-WEL :
: Protection: iTunes Size: 15,856,141 bytes :
WorldCard Mobile, the leading business card scanning application for iPhone,
uses OCR (Optical Character Recognition) technology to instantly transfer
information from business cards to users’ native contacts. With a simple click
of the camera, you no longer have to manually input contact info from business
cards or email signatures.
Demo Movie:
Capture business cards anytime & anywhere
+ Capture business card images with the iPhones camera.
+ Support interface in different languages – English, French, German, Italian,
Spanish, Portuguese and Dutch.
+ Recognition of 16 languages: English, French, German, Italian, Spanish,
Portuguese, Dutch, Czech, Greek, Hungarian, Polish, Portuguese (Brazil),
Russian, Slovak, Spanish (Mexico) and Turkish. You can switch from one language
to another, just like that!
+ Sort recognized information by name, position, company, phone number, fax
number, address or other fields.
Manage contacts easily
+ View and manage contact info with Card holder function. Make a phone call,
send SMS and email to your contacts directly.
+ Merge new business card info with existing contacts.
+ Select partially and recognize the specific area that contains the correct
+ Find your contacts on Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter. Expand your social and
professional networks.
+ Now Sync with Google Contacts and manage your contacts seamlessly!
+ Manage contacts from both WorldCard Contacts and Google Contacts via WorldCard
Smart functions for your business
+ Exchange contact data through Open In, Mail and iTunes File Sharing.
Import/export or backup your data on Mac/Windows quickly and conveniently.
+ Share or backup your contacts via cloud services (iCloud / Dropbox). Manage
your contacts on all devices, such as Mac PC/Windows PC/Android phone/WP7 phone.
+ Recognize QR code to get more information easily.
+ Copy email signatures and add them to your contact lists.
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-many thanks to Dissident, Rastignac and Hackulo Team for making this possible-
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