Saturday 27 October 2012

Groundwire – Business Caliber SIP Phone v2 4 5 iOS 4 3+

Release Name: Groundwire – Business Caliber SIP Phone v2 4 5 iOS 4 3+
Release Name: 22.05 MB

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Title: Groundwire v2.4.5
: File Type: IPA Date: 10/25/2012 :
: Platform: iOS 4.3+ Cracker: B-WEL :
: Protection: iTunes Size: 23,113,345 bytes :
Designed from the ground up with the mobile user in mind, Groundwire is the
first mobile SIP Client capable of replacing your desktop phone. Combining all
the features business users need (see below) with intuitive features created
with the mobile user specifically in mind (number rewriting, address book
matching, NAT Bridge and more), Groundwire will quickly have you wondering how
you survived without it before.
Groundwire is the first mobile SIP client capable of replacing your desktop
phone. Jam packed with all the features you’ve come to expect from SIP devices
and desktop softphones, you may find yourself using it more often than your
office and mobile phone lines combined. Supporting both multitasking
functionality of Apple mobile devices and the original Acrobits Softphone’s
reliable Push Notification Service, you’ll be able to customize Groundwire to
fit your precise needs.
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-many thanks to Dissident, Rastignac and Hackulo Team for making this possible-
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